Jack the Ripper
Set in 19th century in London, England, the musical "Jack the Ripper" revolves around the story of three people - a detective named 'Anderson' who is investigating the unsolved Jack the ripper murder cases, a surgeon named 'Daniel' and 'Monroe,' a journalist for the 'London Times.' This musical is a favorite amongst Korean audiences as it travels back and forth between the past and the present to find the real suspect.
Since its premiere in 2009, "Jack the Ripper" has received unconditional love and in 2012, it gained recognition as a Hallyu musical after its performances in Japan. It is a popular production that sets new records in the musical arena. Singer and actor 신성우 is back through "Jack the Ripper" as one of the male leads but also as a director. This year's "Jack the Ripper" also stars Um ki-jun, Jung Dong-ha, Hwanhee, Ken, Lee Gun-myeong, Sonya, Kang Sung-jin and others so let's learn more about the musical "Jack the Ripper."